Metal Gear Edge

Here is where you will find anything that is new to the site.


I added a section called, The Tanks. It shows you waht the Metal Gear tanks are all about.

First Real Big Update: I re-did the site for frames, changed the story page, added Solid Snake MIDI's to the multimedia page, added new arsenal page and game help page as well. *whew!*

Okay, Solid Snake for MSX and Snake's Revenge for NES are two different games, so I had to make some changes around the site. I also added the MSX Emulator and ROMS to the site. Plus, I changes some of the history and the story to fit in Solid Snake and the Worlds of Power book.

5-31-98..a bit later...
I added counter and a button, you can link to us with it if you wish. Send in some fan-fic if you can.


Hey, it's our first week on the web! I hope you've liked what you've seen so far. There's more where that came from! I'd like to get a fan-fiction page started. If you find any fan-fiction, send it to me. But, if you don't want to do that, you can always write some fan-fic yourself and send it in! I'd love to read new Metal Gear stories written by fans!




Navigation of Domination
| New Stuff | Games | Story |
| Arsenal | Game Help | The Tanks |
| History | Emulation | Links |
| Credits |


Metal Gear, and all associated video games, media, characters, etc. are © Konami.