Metal Gear Headquarters


This site was hand-crafted with love, and is run by Brant "The Samurai" Wynn.

Hee hee. Had to throw in a lil' jokey joke in there. This site is so serious, don't cha' know. I figured since this is the page that the least people will visit, I could have some fun. Shh! Don't tell anyone! I'd like to make thanks to a few people.

First off, I'd like to thank anyone who comes and visits this site.

Second, I'd liek to thank anyone who's helped me with the site, Kurt and Andy in general.

And finally, many thanks to the people who made it all happen, Mr. Kojima and his buddies at Konami, for creating Metal Gear.


Bye bye!

Thanks for stopping by!

Navigation of Domination
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Metal Gear, and all associated video games, media, characters, etc. are © Konami.